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Help, tips and techniques to manage, overcome and recover from anxiety, without drugs in many cases. Se what anxiety sufferers, like yourself, are using to recover.

Natural Anxiety Management Help

What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is a chronic 'fear' that limits our ability to carry out normal functions.  It's often accompanied by panic attacks, which is why some people refer to anxiety attacks.  If you want information on panic attacks, visit Tips For Panic Attacks.  Some anxiety disorders (generalized) can't be related to a specific event or situation.  Most anxiety is related to a specific fear or phobia, such as social anxiety or performance anxiety, etc.  If you want to know more about phobias, visit Overcoming Fear and Phobia.  Many are tempted to minimize anxieties and fears, saying, "It's all in your mind."  What they fail to see is that everything we experience (love, house, family, job, money) is only in our mind.  Our minds don't distinguish between 'real' and 'imaginary'.  That's why anxiety can be as harmful to us as any disease.  To get a deeper understanding, here are some recent popular books on anxiety management.

Anxiety can cause toxic levels of adrenalin in our blood and acids in our stomachs.  Ulcers are common, along with hypertension, heart attack, stroke and asthma.  Just like the other fear disorders, alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions are used to try to dull the emotions...but only deepen them.  Anxieties cause us to be  unstable, decreasing rational judgment and exposing us to greater danger.

"What I feared has come upon me." Job...3,500 years ago

Anxiety disorders are real and have serious health and life consequences.  People suffering from anxiety limit themselves for "protection" from imaginary danger.  A good friend won't visit our house since we moved to the country because his anxiety is related to open spaces...except for emergencies, he won't leave the city.  People with social anxiety often just avoid people.  Those with performance anxieties avoid situations where they have to perform...speaking, singing, tests, etc.  Those with anxiety suffer immeasurable costs in lost opportunities.  That's why, if you have an anxiety, it's important you fight it with all you've got.

Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety: At age 29, I suffered a panic attack brought on when my career success revealed fears and anxieties I was unaware of.  I suffered from performance anxiety, fear of people and fear of failure.  My anxiety was so strong, I undermined (subconsciously) my own career to take the pressure off.  Any time I had to speak, I suffered severe distress.  I vomited before several meetings.  I was always jittery, sweaty, feeling I was in great danger, trapped.  The more I did these things, the less discomfort I felt, but we'll get into that under anxiety management help.

Anxiety has, essentially, the same signs and symptoms as panic attacks, only more gradual and longer lasting.  Where panic comes on you with shocking speed, anxiety wears you down over days of distress.   It's hard to imagine a disease of the imagination can cause such feelings as shortness of breath, racing heartbeat, heart pounding so hard you can feel and hear it, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, feeling of despair and danger.  If you suffer from these feelings regularly and at times when no one around you senses danger, investigate the possibility that anxiety is your problem.

Cause Of Anxiety: What causes us to do these things, anyway?  Unfortunately, the causes of anxiety vary widely.  Some of the most rare and severe cases are caused by brain chemical imbalances and can only be treated with medicine.  This is rare!  Always get more than one opinion if someone quickly offers medicine as a solution...especially if there was no thorough physical examination.  That's because many anxiety problems, especially generalized anxieties and seasonal anxieties, can be caused by such common physical conditions as poor diet, low blood sugar, menopause, puberty, excessive coffee or alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc.  See to it your doctor rules out the potential physical causes before giving you medicine.  Most anxieties linked to a specific fear, like performance anxiety or social anxiety, usually are rooted in a negative experience in the past.  I suspect my performance and social anxieties had to do with my alcoholic father who was drunk at every family social event and expected us kids to perform (sing, play instruments, etc.) to entertain the guests.  What happened next depended on the quality of our performance and the quantity of alcohol he had consumed.  This hasn't eliminated my anxiety, but it has helped me put it in a perspective that makes it easier to manage.

Anxiety Management Help: We've already learned in the above paragraphs that medicine can help, but should be a last resort, after the physical causes have been treated.  The natural solutions, such as good diet, exercise, etc. should be used instead of or along with any prescription anxiety treatment.  Here is a website from a friend in the UK that offers a natural anxiety and panic cure.  Other natural solutions are available to help you mange your anxiety and reduce or eliminate any need for medicine.  All of them revolve around changing the mental environment so the anxiety doesn't last and isn't as distressing.  Here are some natural solutions:  Remind yourself that you are in no danger.  Practice deep breathing.  Do 10 jumping jacks.  Read from a joke book.  Remember the root cause of your anxiety.  Face the thing you fear and do it regularly until the feelings are under control.  Find a hobby that takes your mind off of your anxiety.

I got help from God to do the things I feared until anxiety no longer controlled my life.  If you want God's help, just click on God Help Me.

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