These Child Pool Safety Tips are designed to help you prevent drowning, cuts, breaks, sunburn and chemical burns and other common poolside hazards. There are many possible accidents that most of us don't think about when making the decision to have a pool. The 15 tips below can help you learn from other's misfortune to prevent accidents and injury to your children and their friends.
1. Make sure the whole pool can be seen from a
family area in the house and that area has a door to the yard. If your
home isn't set up this way, you can get a Home Safety Camera
that can accomplish the same thing. Put the monitor in a room
you're comfortable in that has access to the yard.
2. Put a 4' fence with a locked gate around the pool
even if not required by law. There are many attractive styles available at
your local home store. Most insurance companies want to see this,
anyway. Here are some
Pool Door Alarms so you'll know when someone opens it.
3. Put signs every 15-20 feet (one at gate) to warn of drowning hazard, home stores have emergency instruction signs and pool safety rules signs you can post at poolside, too.
4. Make sure there is a shallow area so smaller children can have their feet on the bottom and their head above water. If your pool doesn't have this, a good pool company can modify it.
5. Make sure the chemicals remain properly balanced...some of them can cause burns, blindness and even death. You can get a pool testing kit at many local stores or hire a professional pool maintenance person.
6. Keep the chemicals locked up.
7. Make sure there are plenty of non-inflatable flotation devices that can be thrown into the water for a struggling person to grab.
8. Teach your children very early how to swim and about water safety.
9. Have a phone at a designated poolside area for emergency calls and make sure numbers are clearly posted (don't use cell phone unless it's 911 capable).
10. Use a filter configuration that pulls water from the top, usually using a leaf finder. Kids can get suction-cupped to the bottom of the pool by those that pull from a pipe in the bottom. (sometimes you can install a metal cage to prevent this on the bottom-type).
11. Only allow night swimming in pools which are lit so there are no dark places under the water. If you can't see them it's hard to save them.
12. Do not allow breakable glass in the pool area. There are plenty of plastic cups, bottles and containers available at stores.
13. Do not allow wrestling running or rough play in the pool area (my brothers and I almost drowned many times).
14. Make sure everyone wears sun block, probably SPF 30 or higher, if they will be in the pool longer than 15 minutes.
15. Establish pool use times only when trained, responsible people over age 16 can monitor the pool. Make sure the monitor and everyone else knows who is in charge. Drill the monitor on safety, drowning prevention and emergency numbers.
Note: It's normal to be a little anxious about your children's safety. The fact is, no matter how careful you are, they will have accidents, get hurt and get sick. If you're very fortunate...that's all. Knowing this, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a little more help than these tips can offer. The biggest child safety tip I can think of is to get help and wisdom from God. He can protect your child, heal an injured child and help you with the child safety anxiety all parents have. If you want God's help, click on help me God.
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