While ringing in the ear is most common, other signs and symptoms include hissing, roaring, buzzing, etc. Here are some top-selling books on Tinnitus.
Tinnitus is ringing in the ear and is very common. The many causes include ear disorders, ear blockage, infections, allergies, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyroid problems, smoking, aspirin, antibiotics or alcoholism.
A very wide range of available treatments require that you consult your doctor to decide, based on how bad your Tinnitus is, what treatment is right. Drugs, physical and sound therapy, hearing aids...even surgery are options, depending on the need.
Since infection, swelling and allergies are often involved, following a low salt diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables can help provide the antioxidants needed. You can supplement your diet with natural Multi-Vitamins and Multi-Minerals, along with extra doses of the following:
Antioxidants; including
Beta Carotene,
Vitamin A,
Vitamin E,
Vitamin C and
Lipoic Acid; at least
200 mg divided into 2-3 doses per day.
Organic Germanium; 300-450mg
divided into 3 doses a day.
Fiber; 12-15 grams extra from
vegetable sources or supplements.
Omega 3; 3 per day, 1 at
beginning of each meal.
Lecithin; taken with the
Omega 3.
Vitamin B Complex
Garlic; 3 cloves
per day.
Drinking Clean Water;
2-3 quarts daily.
We both know there are no guaranteed cures, whether in medicine, nutrition, herbs or anything else. Complete healing...including mind, body and spirit...is possible, from God. If you want God's help with your health problem, go to Healing From God.
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