When you exercise, you're looking for certain benefits. You want to improve your looks, make your life activities easier and more enjoyable and increase your general health and longevity. There is no easy exercise or painless fitness program. Exercise that doesn't stress your body is worthless for fitness, toning, shaping or weight loss...no real benefit. So, if someone is telling you their program is fast and easy...look out. Exercise, without a healthy diet, is pointless...just for looks. It's like having a race car with sugar in the gas tank...it may look good but it's goin' nowhere! For a sensible diet, to accompany your exercise program, visit our page Balanced Diet Information. All types of exercise and workout routines can help toward weight loss and fitness goals. The question is how much exercise you need to do in order to reach those goals. To have a healthy, reasonably lean body, you don't need expensive equipment, health club, video, or any secret workout routine. All you need is the commitment to regularly do brisk, aerobic exercise for 30 continuous minutes, 3-4 times each week. Here are some books on exercise that may help you get started.
There are many exercise methods designed to accomplish different goals. Strength or shaping exercises normally use free weights, or home gym equipment and focus on a specific area or muscle group at a time. Other exercise routines focus on reducing or shaping specific areas of the body, like abs, or thighs; usually using special equipment designed for those routines. These exercise programs do great for the muscles you're targeting, little for weight loss, the other muscles, or for your heart and lungs...the two most important muscle groups for a healthy lifestyle. You can add aerobic exercises to these routines to make up for this weakness.
A healthy lifestyle and weight loss
requires 30 minutes of continuous
aerobic exercise, 3-4 times a week.
Start slow! Hurting yourself won't
get the weight off. You can get
this exercise by water exercise,
walking, rowing, dancing, jumping rope,
bicycle riding , jogging, etc.
Here is a whole array of the
most popular aerobic workout videos.
you do something that requires special clothing or equipment, don't try to
save money. You'll be spending a lot of time using these items to stress
your body. A cheap pair of jogging shoes, for instance, could ruin your
ankles, knees or hips. So, if you're going to use aerobic equipment, like Treadmills, stationary bikes, Rowers
, climbers, etc. get the name brand
stuff...not the stuff for a no-name company you just saw on TV. Here'
are the latest books to provide everything you need to know
I enjoy walking outdoors, so that's where I get my aerobic exercise. It has the added benefit of being the cheapest source of aerobic exercise...just a new pair of shoes every year. When you do the exercise, the object is to elevate your heart rate for at least 20 continuous minutes (additional 5 minutes at each end for build up and slow down). Your speed should be at a rate that stresses you physically, but can be maintained for 30 minutes. This is possible to do without a heart rate monitor. Go fast enough that you're breathing hard but not so fast you can't talk or have to stop to catch your breath. It's good to start with a comfortable stroll and work up to speed-walking over a few weeks. Since we're going for a healthy, permanent lifestyle, we don't have to be in a hurry. One more thing about the exercise...go 2 days on, one off, 2-on, 1-off. That way your muscles get a little rest.
I you need more than general diet and exercise can remedy, visit our Weight Problems pages for specific solutions. If you're having trouble sticking to a healthy exercise routine, you may need more help. I got that help from God. If you want help from God to hold onto a healthy lifestyle, click on God help me.
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